Rassegna stampa

Builder November 2022

The trade magazine Builder in the upcoming November issue dedicated a special feature to the inauguration of the new Fapim Polska headquarters on 22 September!


LuccaInDiretta focuses on Fapim and the installation #unmuseoalminuto by Museimpresa at the ADI Design museum in Milan

Radio 24 06-11-2021

"Radio24 del Sole24Ore interviewed our president Massimo Bellandi on the value of human resources in Fapim!"

Il Tirreno 05-11-2021

Fapim among Banca Intesa’s winning companies for its human resources policies.

La Nazione 05-11-2021

Fapim among Banca Intesa’s winning companies for its human resources policies.

Tirreno 26-05-21

Oggi siamo in prima pagina su La Nazione con un’intervista a Massimo Bellandi sul nuovo premio di risultato appena siglato.

Tirreno 26-05-21

Oggi siamo sul Tirreno in prima pagina con un focus sui nuovi investimenti.